Posted by Donatella Valente on 2018-02-08



Call for Papers 

Extended Deadline - Monday, 5th March 2018


The editors invite submissions on the theme of


 b  r  e  a  t  h  i  n g


for their forthcoming issue


In its compelling role of binding the human being to life and nature, the figurative meaning of
b r e a t h i n g  is endowed with transitive qualities. Inspired by a multicultural approach to wellbeing, the notion of breathing effects a plurality of approaches to ways in which meanings are generated.


B r e a t h i n g  is endowed with transformative qualities. While this theme immediately speaks to us about the air we breathe, the polluted environments we inhabit, and the changing climate we confront daily, it injects new life into ideas related to embodied worlds – be these experimental narratives, interactive media, expanded cinemas, poetic forms, and voice-works – among others. In forging interconnections amongst disparate and discrete, yet whole entities,  b r e a t h i n g  inspires our imaginary and appeals to the human sensorium.


In these ways, it promotes the union of the physical to the metaphysical; it raises questions of shifting spatiotemporal boundaries, and of partial erosion of the empirical constraints that we may experience as digital beings; yet, it also sheds new light on thinking about those constraints in liminal and interstitial ways.


For its forthcoming issue, Dandelion seeks to invoke a meditative journey through the symbolic, metaphorical, and metonymical interpretations of  b r e a t h i n g .


Topics may be related, but are not limited, to:


·         Body/nature

·         Ecosystem ecology

·         The Anthropocene: media ecology

·         Interactivity and the digital entity

·         Ecofeminist philosophy

·         Desire: feminist perspectives on gender and sexual difference 

·         Perceptual realism: the sense of smell

·         Linguistics

·         Cultural tropes in film and literary genres

·         The liminality of breathing: between cinema and art gallery

·         The moving image in video / installation art

·         The posthuman / postgender

·         Landscapes of the imaginary

·         Dreaming

·         The art of breathing in the age of globalisation

·         Soundscapes



Submission guidelines


We welcome long articles (of 5000-8000 words), or shorter ones (of 3000-5000 words).
We also welcome reviews of books, films, performances, exhibitions, and festivals (of around 1500 words).


We also publish interviews that you may wish to conduct with an author/artist, and artwork including visual art; creative writing; podcasts, and video footage (up to 10 minutes).


We would be happy to discuss ideas for submissions with interested authors prior to the submission deadline.


Please send all completed submissions to mail@dandelionjournal.org by
5th March 2018.


Please also include a 50-word author biography and a 200-300-word abstract alongside the submission of the entire article/piece. All referencing and style is required in full MHRA format as a condition of publication and submitted articles should be academically rigorous and ready for immediate publication.


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